16 Minutes from Hell

August 19, 2014

Hartwick Pines endangered by DNR desire to drill for oil




Michigan’s largest stand of old growth pines, some 400 years old, may have oil drilling underneath them at Hartwick Pines State Park.

What does preserving Michigan’s heritage matter when some oil company can make a huge profit. Welcome to RickSnyder’sLand where all values are monetary.

January 6, 2009

Water Wars

Filed under: Lake Michigan,Michigan,Natural Resources,Ontario,Politics,Water — ggr25 @ 8:38 pm

Susan J. Demas sums it up perfectly in her recent blog post on MLive.com about the increasing demands for water and the likely regional disputes over it. Here is an excerpt from her post:

Many Southern and Western members of Congress just turned their backs on the Midwest in their gleeful rejection of the Big Three auto loan. Well, boys and girls, we have what you need. And when your water supply runs out in the next decade or two, don’t come crying to us. We might have been shortsighted and put all our eggs in the automotive industry. But at least we weren’t stupid enough to live in places we couldn’t survive.

In my lifetime there have been repeated proposals to divert Lake Michigan water southwest to serve the desert cities. There will be more as they become more populated and politically influential. That is why the recently signed Great Lakes Compact is so important to the future of the Great Lake states and Ontario and Quebec.

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